What Exactly Are We Teaching in a Successful Piano Lesson?

This week Helen is preparing the live Zoom launch sessions for the teachers enrolled on Doremi Teach: Piano.
One of the activities will be to brainstorm exactly what we are teaching in a piano lesson.
I set a timer for 5 minutes and scribbled down whatever popped into my head. All the things I’m working on right now with my young beginners.
Can you guess how many things I thought of?
Out of those 49 items I counted 31 as knowledge and 18 as skills. I had to be strict with myself and stop counting because I know there’s even more and I don’t want to be here ALL DAY!
I have no doubt the Doremi Teach: Piano teachers this week will grow the list even more.
It’s no wonder piano teachers need a clear roadmap to navigate our way through piano lessons in an engaging and age appropriate way.
What do you think made it onto my list? I’ll give you a few obvious ones to get you started. WARNING – once you start, you may not stop!
- Pitch – high and low
- Pulse – steady and even
- Rhythm – the way the words go
- Dynamics – loud and soft
- Plus at least 26 more…
- Co-ordination
- Improvisation
- Transposition
- Practice strategies
- Plus at least 14 more…
I’ll pop back after our launch sessions and share what we created!