Sleeping in a Stable – Nativity Song

Here is a Christmas nativity song I wrote called Sleeping In A Stable. It uses the limited solfa toneset of do-mi-so-la. This is ideal for Reception/Early Years children (aged 4-5) or any child learning singing and musicianship using the Kodaly approach.

It could also be used in piano lessons. You could teach the child to sing the song, away from the score. Then demonstrate that they can play the melody by ear using just the black keys.

On the black keys the required keys are do = F#; mi = Bb; so = C#; la = Eb

On the score do = C; mi = E; so = G; la = A

The song would fit into the nativity as Mary and Joseph settle down in the stable.  They are not too impressed with their accommodation and are worried about getting to sleep with all the animal noises! You can alter the number of verses depending on which animals you want to add to the stable. I have included horses, ducks, hens, cows and dogs! I’ve saved the sheep to arrive with the shepherds later on!

Let me know if you use it!!

Merry Christmas!

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