Teach Music Roadmap

Here are four essential musical skills that teachers should be focussing on with their beginner music classes.

Before we can prepare and present elements of pitch we need our students to sing. Find out everything you need to know to get started and support your students with their skills and confidence in this singing masterclass.

The ability to keep a steady beat underpins everything in music and is an essential skill for all musicians. For our beginners it’s the first skill we need to develop and is a prerequisite for work on rhythm.

The essentials of teaching rhythm effectively. From preparation to presentation and lots of practice! Including ideas for older beginners.

How to prepare, present and practice the element of pitch.

Including a little diversion into the history of notation.

The very first half-term of Kodály-inspired music lessons for 4 to 7 year olds will explore the different voice types, speaking, singing, whispering and thinking. Of course, because it’s a Kodály curriculum we will also be preparing for future modules on steady beat and pitch.

The second half-term of Kodály-inspired music lessons for 4 to 7 year olds will explore and present the concept of steady beat or pulse. Of course, because it’s a Kodály curriculum we will also be practising voice types and preparing for future modules on pitch.

Starting to recognise the different dynamics we can use in music. Including the musical terms: lullabies, loud, soft, forte and piano

Covering the preparation and presentation of pitch awareness, including the vocabulary high pitch and low pitch. And of course, because we’re Kodály, we’ll be practising beat and dynamics and preparing for the next module, rhythm.

Covering the preparation and presentation of rhythm, including the vocabulary long, short, rhythm and syllable. And of course, because we’re Kodály, we’ll be practising beat, pitch and dynamics and preparing for the next module, the introduction of solfa.

Suitable for students aged 5 to 8 in their second year of learning music the Doremi way.

Covering the preparation and presentation of solfa, including the vocabulary solfa, so, mi, skip, space, and notehead. And of course, because we’re Kodály, we’ll be practising beat, rhythm and dynamics and preparing for the next module, the introduction of rhythm notation.

Suitable for students aged 5 to 8 in their second year of learning music the Doremi way.

To teach older, or more advanced students check out the Musicianship Roadmap. Containing courses to develop your own musicianship, with activities that you can use in your classroom too.

Each musicianship course includes Helen’s teaching tips integrated into the lessons.