Tsuki: A Japanese Folk Song
Learn this beautiful Japanese song with the steps below to develop your musicianship skills. Tsuki Performance Watch this beautiful performance of Tsuki: Learn Tsuki It’s

Pentatonic Intervals
In this post I’ll give you take you through an approach to teaching the intervals in the pentatonic scale.

Kodály Christmas 2
Sleeping a in Stable I’d like to tell you a sad story about my composition, Sleeping a in Stable… with a happy ending! I wrote Sleeping

Winter Elves… are out tonight!
I LOVE Goblins are Around Tonight which appears in David Vinden’s Songs for Singing and Musicianship. I changed the lyrics to make them cute and

Winter, Holiday and Christmas Repertoire
The most frustrating thing about Christmas songs is being suddenly asked to teach repertoire with concepts our students haven’t learnt yet; Jingle Bells with dotted rhythms anyone? And if they have a version that has changed the dotted rhythm, we have more problems because they know the sound of the dotted rhythm version! Just before Christmas is not the time to learn new concepts just because it happens to be in a Christmas song.

I’m Bound Away: A Shanty Great for Tam-ti
As well as being a beautiful sea shanty, it’s excellent for teaching the dotted crotchet and quaver rhythm: tam-ti. Below I’ll give you ideas for

Lavender’s Blue
We’re going to explore an English folk song and use it to help our students discover new elements.

Rocky Mountain: Perfect for Pentatonic
We’ll be using Rocky Mountain to:
• Practice the rhythms ta, titi and ta rest
• Practice do, mi, so and la
• Discover a new note! Re

Step Back Baby: Teaching ti-tika and tika-ti
My last few blog posts have been about more complicated rhythms and how we can guide our students to discover them using a Kodály inspired approach. The most important element of the Kodály approach is singing, using our voice. It really comes into it’s own with the rhythm that appears in the sone Step Back Baby.