Let’s Play is a series of note reading drills and short reading exercises and pieces to develop reading skills at the piano.
It is suitable for students who have completed Doremi Piano Sing and Play to help consolidate clefs and absolute letter names.
It can also be used by students who have not learnt through the Doremi Piano method.
Each double page is colour coded and features a set of note naming drills followed by an exercise and short piece.
Each drill starts with landmark notes, initially just Middle C, Treble G and Bass F, but building up to include Treble and Bass C, High G, Low F and High and Low C. After the landmark notes there are some treble and bass sequences, initially stepwise from one of the known landmark notes and then increasing in complexity. These drills are expected to be spoken and not sung or played, although you can use them for whatever activity suits your student.
On the opposite page there is an exercise and short piece based on the notes from the note naming drills, again increasing in difficulty. If your student is a confident reader they can learn these pieces independently, or you can guide them through the reading process. Again, whatever suits your student.
Purchase the studio licensed pdf and you receive a full colour file and also an ink-friendly version without the colour borders.
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